by Wendy Richardson, Chair
I am thrilled to announce the success of last night’s Lincoln Day Dinner!
The food was almost as fantastic as the guest speakers! The ambiance and buzz of the room was undeniable. The auction was a smashing success as well.
Who could have guessed a smack talking t-shirt could bring in $360!!? Talk about INFLATION of the best kind! When it’s going to a good cause. Amazing ambiance! Amazing fundraising! The money raised last night contributes to our WAR CHEST! Make no mistake about this we are at war, against evil!
I’m so proud to be a part of this committee’s success. That being said, I would like to thank everyone who came! Bid. Won. Lost. Contributed.
Kat Cammack knocked it out of the park! Kat’s energy and charisma is undeniable! One of the many things she touched on that is resonating with me today is that our vote in November lays the groundwork for the election in 2024! We must fight NOW!
I’m thankful for bold fearless candidates willing to fight for our freedom, values and principles.
Stay tuned! Elections are just around the corner and there is MUCH to be done!
We are working on supporting candidates to the fullest of our abilities!
If you can help, please reach out! Help looks a LOT of different ways! Poll Watcher. Hold a sign on election day. Door Knocking. Fundraising. Phone Calls. Make a meal and deliver it on election day.
Thank you for your time and devotion!
Wendy Richardson
Chair, Carroll County Republican Committee