March 6, 2021

Joe Sweeney

Hassan Votes to Put New Hampshire Behind

Concord, NH – New Hampshire Republican State Committee Chairman Stephen Stepanek released the following statement after Senators Maggie Hassan and Jeanne Shaheen voted to pass a bloated, $1.9 Trillion spending package:

“Maggie Hassan, Jeanne Shaheen, and the Democrat Senate Majority just betrayed the people of New Hampshire in order to support New York, New Jersey, and Californian special interests. This so-called “America Rescue Act” puts America further in debt, spends a fraction of it’s allocation on actual COVID relief, and alters the formula to punish states that reopened safely and effectively. Hassan has been an abject failure in the United States Senate, has routinely disappointed Granite Staters on issue after issue, and has gone to great lengths to disregard New Hampshire’s values and advance the priorities of far-Left and out-of-touch priorities of Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Kamala Harris. The key to a Republican Majority in the United States Senate runs right through New Hampshire in 2022 and we will elect a Republican who believes in our New Hampshire Advantage to restore sanity and provide a critical check on the disastrous Biden-Harris agenda.”