September 25th, 2019
CONTACT: Joe Sweeney

Concord, NH – NHGOP Chairman Stephen Stepanek released the following statement regarding today’s budget victory, defeating the extremist budget proposal from Dan Feltes:

“Governor Sununu’s budget compromise is a clear defeat for Dan Feltes and his far left caucus’ extremist budget – it doesn’t include Feltes’ disastrous income tax or Democrats’ massive structural deficit. This budget does not increase taxes, and will likely lead to a further reduction in employer taxes when revenues come in over estimates due to our solid economic growth. This budget cut the Democrats’ structural deficit by $70 million and made investments in our Rainy Day fund. It provides property tax relief to our cities and towns, and no general fund dollars are going toward Medicaid Expansion. The state’s Hyde Amendment – prohibiting state funds being used for abortion – is intact. I applaud Governor Sununu and Republicans in the Legislature for getting the job done for the people of New Hampshire.”

New Hampshire Republican State Committee
10 Water Street, Concord, NH 03301
United States