July 10, 2019

Joe Sweeney

Concord, NH – Today’s vote by the Democrats on the Executive Council is a troubling and sad sign of the times. Councilors Volinsky, Cryans, and Pignatelli have made it remarkably clear that they are willing to place partisan politics over the well-being of the Granite State.

Following the Council’s vote, Chairman Stepanek released the following statement:

“New Hampshire’s Democrat Councilors brought partisan Washington politics into a non-partisan appointment, and in doing so, have inflicted irreversible damage to both the credibility of the Executive Council itself and the judicial nominating process. The presence of disgraced former Senator Jeff Woodburn – who was prosecuted by Attorney General MacDonald for assault and domestic violence charges – is especially troubling. It’s clear that today’s vote was driven by nothing more than revenge.”

“The people of New Hampshire are watching, and we will ensure that everyone knows that today the Democrat Councilors sought to exact revenge on a man who has earned the support of 18 former NH Bar Association Presidents, 122 leading NH attorneys across the political spectrum, and countless others; all to exact revenge for their friend, who will soon stand before a jury on charges of assault and domestic violence.”