Dear Friends:

The NH State Senate Democrats have three goals they hope to achieve in 2019:

Raise Taxes
Destroy our economic growth through wasteful spending
Institute an income tax to pay for their big government programs
The Senate Finance Committee is stacked against us with free spending Democrats. When Republicans see a budget surplus, they see a rainy day fund, the Democrats see a blank checkbook. Our tax cutting champions on the Senate Finance Committee, Bob Giuda and John Reagan, are fighting this uphill battle but they need YOUR help…the entire Republican caucus of the State Senate needs your help.

Take a moment to determine what 6% of your take home pay is…and burn that money. The liberal agenda of the Democrats in the State Senate want to bring in a 6% income tax. Once you have determine what this Income Tax amounts to for you and your family, then determine how much you are willing to invest to KEEP YOUR MONEY. $25, $50, $100 any amount to help the Republicans pick up three State Senate seats to fight this income tax.

You have a choice: let the Democrats take your money or invest it with the State Senate Republicans and just say NO to an income tax.

Thank you,

Chuck Morse
Senate Republican Leader

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